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We No Longer Have This Luxury

It’s not working.


Creating our own individual realities, ignoring  the implications for you and me.


Living in bubbles that seal in only what we want to see and hear without challenge.


Acting “as if” instead of doing the work because someone told us to "fake it until we make it".


Applying gaming principles to living as if everyone and everything is an obstacle or an opportunity.


Using "life hacks" to save time and effort when there are no shortcuts to putting in the time and learning as we go.


Stringing together relationships of convenience without valuing or committing to anyone other than ourselves.


Making our personal agendas the sole self-serving metric for what we want to get done.

We no longer have this luxury. We never really did.


Our sense of community, our sense of connection to one another, our commitment to something greater than our own wants and needs, is crumbling around us.


Forces have aligned to make decisions in their own best interests, taking advantage of our inability to come together and make a stand.


Our silence is acquiescence. Our inability to break out of our self-serving silos is our undoing.


I don’t want to write this. You don’t want to read this. But it needs to be said:

This is our moment to choose differently. It may not come again.


Not to decide is a choice.

It’s on each of us as you read this.

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