We wish for you to know real value:
Not price, not worth, but value...
Truth, trust, tenderness,
Caring, feeling, knowing,
Loving, giving, growing;
Those things that give life meaning
Fulfilling your purpose in your work.
For in these values, you find beliefs:
The courage of your convictions,
The aspirations of your heart.
Beyond what is known, beyond words...
Pure faith, the essence of spirit;
Those things that withstand doubt
And worry and fear and exhaustion.
For in our beliefs, we find hope:
Not expectations or wishes, but hope
Informed by values, sustained by beliefs...
The resilience of the soul
Even through the darkest of times;
So that you make a true difference
When your journey is complete.
I’m so grateful for this wise, warm, supportive, affirming, encouraging community. Here’s to the possibilities of 2025!