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Get to Know Us


With a worldwide network of educators, count on us to partner with you, learn your specific goals and needs, and provide you the personalized supports and connections to help you have the influence and impact you're working hard to achieve.


We accompany you on your journey, providing you with the targeted and ongoing supports that allow you to achieve your short term and long term goals. Offerings are customized to meet your unique aspirations and requirements.


Our incubators are energized spaces where we actively work to transform education, create new ways to serve students, families and communities, demonstrate innovation in action, and craft policy and legislation for long-lasting impact.

Exclusive Original Content:

Crafting a Vision that Transforms Education!
WEBlog: Know Your Worth!
Apryl Taylor: Turning Rage into Joy
Join us September 28th in Cincinnati!
Natalie Odom Pough on Coaching!
Alex Laing: Politics or Practice?
Take the Joy Index Self-Assessment!
Doug Elmendorf: Tell Your Story!
Amanda Koonlaba: Self-Care Abandons Ego for Empathy!
Our Non-Negotiable Principles of Educator Agency and Efficacy!
Shanté Knight on Leadership Development!
Our WE EdAdvocacy Priorities!
In the Moment: Pay Attention!

Just point and click

Calling All Educators!

We are  mid-to-late career career educators who strive to support teachers, administrators, consultants and education-based nonprofit associations build a legacy of success for the educators they serve. Through our  journey, we have been energized connecting with likeminded professionals who personify the passion, character and integrity to have lasting impact in their work. These are  things that can't and should not be exploited monetized. Here you will find a commitment to you and your personal and professional growth and wellness. This is a commercial-free place, where you are not seen as a member or a customer, but as a worthy educator who deserves to be treated with caring and consideration and respect. We look forward to becoming your trusted friend and partner in your career journey. Everyone deserves to thrive with peace and well-being and success!

Gretchen is a career educator and administrator of leadership programs in higher education, a published author and presenter, and she has her J.D. Shanté is a career educator who leads from the classroom, the principal's office, and now as an assistant superintendent for instruction, passionate about giving educators voice and opportunities for impact. Walter is a public school educator, director, assistant superintendent and a leader in professional education nonprofits with forty years experience learning, teaching and leading. These three likeminded leaders first connected writing, presenting and leading cohorts of educators around the country, and the ideas and energy that ensued have led to greater collaboration since! What they have found in their working together is what they seek to find and share with you: positive, meaningful, engaging, impact that lead to a legacy of which we can all be proud.


They are avid advocates for education professionals at all levels, and their mission is to give back to the profession through relationships that feed their souls. This is not a place to pad resumes or climb over others to get ahead. It is a safe place to come, unpack your journey, find answers and energy, and prepare for the rest and the best of your career.


Welcome, worthy educator! You belong here!

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